Course options

The school is structured to offer pupils several different learning paths, from 6e (Year 7) to 3e (Year 10). These paths offer pupils and their families real options and will, over the course of four years, prepare them for the next stage, lycée.

The collège Charles III offers six different options, enabling pupils to learn as they develop and develop as they learn.

We also offer two adjusted timetable options for Academy of Music pupils and Little Singers of Monaco, as well as pupils who play sport at a high level.


  • Specific learning difficulties (dys-) support section
  • Vocational Section
  • AIS Section (Special needs section)
  • Traditional Section (teaching in all subjects taught at the school)
  • English Plus (Year7-Year 8)/European Section (Year 9-Year 10)
  • International Section (IS)



English Plus (Year7-Year 8)/European Section (Year 9-Year 10)

The primary goal of the English+ sections is to enable pupils to communicate fluently in English and to approach the language through culture, since a language is first and foremost the vehicle for a culture.

An end-of-year performance, the English Workshop, produced in collaboration with the conversation teachers, is the culmination of two years’ work during 6e (Year 7) and 5e (Year 8).  Pupils in 4e (Year 9) are often asked to give presentations, write stories or prepare a journey to an English-speaking country, since the English+ classes aim to participate in cultural and educational projects. At the end of 3e (Year 10) in the European Section, our students achieve Level B1 of CEFRL.

Pupils who take this option learn English through an active approach, which will help them to become citizens of the world, able to engage in conversation and debate on a very wide selection of topics.

In collaboration with the conversation teachers, the English team is happy to accept any pupil who shows determination, since motivation is a key element of success.


International Section (IS)

The international section offers French-speaking pupils, a bilingual and bicultural education through immersion classes based on programmes used in English-speaking countries. Lessons focus on literature and a specific history and geography programme.

The school year is structured around projects which help students to become open to the world, the Model United Nations, in partnership with several other international sections in the region, and the production of a charity performance in which all pupils are involved at every level.


  • Specially adapted timetable for sport (for pupils taking part in more than eight hours of coaching per week, at the request of the sports club)
  • Specially adapted timetable for music (at the request of parents and with the agreement of the Director of Rainier III Academy of Music and Theatre)