
The Collège Charles III was born on September 11, 1989, the date of its first school year on Avenue de l'Annonciade. From September 2024, students are welcomed on the site of Ilot Pasteur (7 promenade Honoré II). During the 35 years of its existence, it has always manifested the same ingredients of success and joy to be together, becoming one of the essential actors of Monegasque school life.

A desire to succeed

The success of our pupils has always been the primary focus of the management team at the Collège. This is clear from the results achieved in the brevet des collèges exams taken at the end of 3e (Year 10), with pass rates reaching more than 99% in some years. Demanding the best from everyone is an approach that is followed throughout the Collège, in the international, European, sports, music, special educational needs and vocational sections.

Open to the world

The school must be open to the world since it is here that young people will find the keys to understanding it. Helping pupils to discover the world around them and learn about other cultures, including through educational and cultural trips abroad, was at a very early stage determined to be essential to their development. We have organised visits to several countries: Italy, England, United States, Germany, Austria, Russia, China, Greece, Andorra, San Marino, Spain, Ireland...

The universal values of humanism

Young adolescents who are still learning should become familiar with everything that it means to be human. Teaching them to be conscious of others and showing them the path of altruism has also been part of the school’s mission since the beginning. Our various activities in this area include the Charity Show, which has funded a TB clinic in Madagascar for 30 years, and the "Au cœur du college" (At the heart of the Collège) initiative to raise money for surgery for a disadvantaged child with heart defects

An integral part of Monegasque life

With its open approach, the Collège plays a full part in Monegasque life. Our pupils are involved in all major public events in Monaco. Over the years, these have included the 700th anniversary of the Grimaldi dynasty, with 700 pupils appearing at the port during the performance; the 101st session of the International Olympic Committee; Prince Rainier III’s golden jubilee featuring the magnificent "Conte du Prince Bâtisseur" (Tale of the Builder Prince); and the performance "Un jour j’ai fait un rêve" (Once I Had a Dream), presented to the Sovereign Prince on his accession in 2005. Since 1992, the Collège has also taken advantage of the cultural programme organised every year by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport. This integration is also reflected in our close relationship with several partners, including the Ballets de Monte-Carlo and the Prince Rainier III Academy of Music and Theatre.