
This section is dedicated to our school's partners.

As representatives of members of the educational community, organisers of extra-curricular activities, facilitators of spiritual life or supporters of school and career guidance, they are key players who will accompany our pupils on their journey.


The Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre (CIEN) provides a wide range of information on studies and jobs careers. 

Monaco Parent‑Teacher Association (APEM)

The APEM has represented parents of schoolchildren since 1965.

School Chaplaincy

The chaplaincy of the Collège Charles III, ensures a Church presence and is a welcoming place for all students enrolled in our middle-school. Various activities and proposals (inside or outside the school) are implemented in order to support young people in their human and spiritual development and in their discovery of the Gospel of Jesus-Christ. The team is composed of a chaplain, Father Alcide Kragbe and 4 pastoral animators, Ms Sandra Petit, Clotilde Bresson, Marie-Anne Collange and Karine Sargenti, appointed by Monsignor the Archbishop. The school chaplaincy has an office (7th floor of the main building) and a chapel (in H13) accessible during the time of presence of the animators. Proposals and activities throughout the year are divided into 4 themes: Helping each other:  By setting up “solidarity” and “awareness” projects: Bowl of rice/ Braiding and sale of Branches (the money collected is donated to the association that we help each year) Through a "Common thread" according to the level: Poverty, for Level 6 (6èmes) with the association Saint Vincent de Paul de Monaco (greeting cards design, creation of gift boxes, collection of products, etc.) The handicap, for Level 7 (5èmes)The elderly, for Level 8  (4èmes)Humanitarian commitment, for Level 9 (3èmes)Through workshops during sensitization periods with themes: «NO to harassment», «Women’s Rights Day», «Gender Equality», «Guidance Week», in collaboration with the ESF. Discover: Cultural outing: at the Chagall Museum/ places of worship Find all the information about the Collège Charles III chaplaincy on the Monaco diocese:

Prince Albert II Leisure Center (CLPA2)

Throughout the school holidays and on Wednesday afternoons.