School Sport Association: Cross-country running in Mougins, some excellent results again!

School Sport Association: Cross-country running in Mougins, some excellent results again!

Published on 20 November 2023 at 15:58 - Modified the 20 November 2023 at 16:44

The students brilliantly represented the Charles III middle-school on the occasion of the departmental cross UNSS which took place in Mougins on Wednesday, November 15th.

The students brilliantly represented the Charles III cmiddle-school on the occasion of the departmental cross UNSS which took place in Mougins on Wednesday, November 15th.

The "benjamisn" and "minimes" teams have qualified for the academic cross-country event to be held in Fréjus on Wednesday  Novembe, 29th.

This competition will qualify for the French UNSS cross country championship.

Note the third place obtained by Raphael LOUGH 4e2 in the race of the "minimes".

Congratulations to all the students!


Cross Mougins 1
Cross Mougins 3
Cross Mougins 2
Cross Mougins 4