Selection of the national U16 rugby team jersey

Selection of the national U16 rugby team jersey

Published on 13 October 2024 at 12:00 - Modified the 14 October 2024 at 23:49

Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation - DENJS - Monegasque Rugby Federation

Collège Charles III had the great privilege and honor of receiving this morning H.S.H. Princess Charlène to participate in the selection of a rugby jersey imagined and designed by the students. More than 80 high school students participated in this beautiful project with their teacher of visual arts Mr Jean-Marc NOERDINGER and their physical education and sports teacher and coach of the team of Impis, Mr Nicolas BONNET.

This is an operation conducted by the Princess Charlène Foundation of Monaco in close collaboration with the Monegasque Rugby Federation and DENJS (Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports). 

Mr Cedric BERTRAND, Principal of the Collège Charles III and his Assistant, Mr Sébastien DASSONVILLE, have therefore had the honour to welcome in their new walls the Director of the DENJS Mr Jean-Philippe VINCI, Mr Gareth WITTSTOCK, Secretary General of the Princesse Charlène Foundation and Manager of the Monaco Impis, as well as Mr Pascal GRANERO, Director of the Princess Charlène Foundation and representatives of the Monegasque Rugby Federation, Mr Thierry DANTHEZ and Cédric NARDI. 

Alfonso ESTEVES MARQUES, a 44th grade4 , won the competition.
His jersey will be worn by the Monaco U16 national team (14-15 years) who this year for the first time will accompany the Impis and the Monegasque national team, for the rugby 7 tournament in Dubai next November.

Group️ Thanks to the Communication Directorate and Manuel Vitali for these beautiful photographs

Maillot rugby

Maillot rugby

Lauréat du concours.jpg
Participants au concours.jpg
Présentation du concours.jpg
Signatures par SAS La Princesse Charlène.jpg
En tête.jpg
7-Présentation des maillots.jpg
8-SAS la Princesse Charlène, N. Bonnet et le lauréat du concours.jpg
9-Participants au concours.jpg
1-Accueil de SAS par les élèves.jpg
2-SAS la Princesse Charlène et M. JP Vinci.jpg
5-Maillots dessinés par les élèves.jpg
4-Signature des images des maillots.jpg
3-Rencontre entre SAS et les élèves.jpg
6-Présentation des maillots par N. Bonnet.jpg