Océano pour tous
Competition organized by the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
The 4th grade 14 class took part in the Océano pour tous competition organized by the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. Throughout the year, students worked in groups on the themes of their choice: plastic pollution, Marine Protected Areas and biodiversity.
Their research work was supported by a visit to the Oceanographic Museum at the start of the year. The “seaside biodiversity” workshop allowed them to become familiar with the Mediterranean marine environment, the way of life of certain species and their fragility.


The museum also took part in 2 other video workshops with the middle school students in the class. The themes "plastic pollution" and "fragility and protection of the marine environment" were discussed. The competition ambassador, Estelle Lefébure, also supported our students live from the Museum.


Following all this research, the students decided to present their work in the form of an exhibition. They created posters on their themes and on seaside animals. They also looked for experiments to have the participants do and tested them in class




This great adventure concluded with an exhibition at the CDI where they led their workshops with very curious students !
Expo Océano pour tous

Expo Océano pour tous

A huge congratulations to all the 4th 14th grade students for their unfailing involvement, their perseverance, their quality productions and the running of their workshops !